600 construction workers installing fire protection devices in a 1700-room hotel and casino resort – that’s quite a challenge. Thanks to a close collaboration between planners, building inspectors and Hilti, nothing was left to chance.

“The magnitude, the tight schedule and the complexity of the construction project presented an enormous task,” says Adrian Huson, Project Manager with Wynn Design & Development (WDD). Judging from the sheer dimensions of the USD 4 billion Wynn Palace Luxury Resort in Cotai, Macau (autonomous territory in Southern China), it became clear from the very outset that there was a need to install countless passive fire protection devices throughout the property.

The fire protection system had to be in compliance with the International Building Code (IBC) which contains numerous health and safety regulations. Hence, both technical know-how and experience were required to plan and execute the project. “We benefited greatly from the expertise of the Hilti team members who not only supported us when it came to select the right systems and products but also ensured proper application on the jobsite,” adds Adrian Huson.

Some 600 workers attended theoretical and practical training workshops where they learned how to carry out high-quality installation work on site. And the Hilti team was available whenever there was a need to deviate from the plan and special solutions were called for.
PHC (Macau) Ltd., the company in charge of inspecting the fire protection measures, also benefited from the training sessions provided by Hilti. Special seminars were organized to train inspectors how to carry out system audits in keeping with safety regulations. Phil Harvey, owner of PHC, says: “Thanks to this, we were able to simplify the problem solution process, to eliminate uncertainties and to ensure fire protection measures in conformity with regulations throughout the property.” Or to put it in simple terms: “Hilti’s support was indispensable.”